Thursday 2 April 2015

More evedince on Rey Mysterio

 Rey mysterious? 

Hello Vince here.
I have more evidence on why Rey Mysterio is a evil killer.
Lets take a look....

Here we have Rey Mysterio with his wife in the late 90s.

But now Rey is with a new and younger wife.
What happened to his old wife? Did Rey kill her?Its too early to tell. But considering he killed Perro Aguayo Jr, its not much of a stretch to consider the possibility of Rey killing her. 

If Rey didn't kill his wife... 
Then why does his son look so sad?

Speaking of his son. His son Dominic has brown hair.
Why was Dominics hair bleached blond? To hide his identity? Is Rey racist? Does he subscribe to Aryan superiority beliefs.
We may never know because Perro Aguayo Jr is dead.

Speaking of kids. What did Rey do to this kid?
What did Rey do?

I know a happy looking kid when i see one.. And this one looks vague and distracted.
Is there something more sinister at hand?
The fact of the matter is, we just don't know.

We dont any thing about Rey Mysterio. We dont know how many people he has killed. We dont even know what he looks like. He wears a mask!

Is Rey praying for forgiveness in this photo?

 Could he be praying for more victims?

Rey roughing up another child.

Did Rey kill Bam Bam?

This was the move used with his last killing.

Am i the only one that finds this picture a bit un tasteful considering the circumstances around the murder of Perro Aguayo Jr?

All we can do is prey. But not Prey on people like Rey. Just prey to god. But not prey to god for more victims like Rey.

- Vince.

Sunday 22 March 2015

Rey Mysterio is a murderer.

This is Vince McMahon.
Due to Dans rule over the WWE. I have been forced to console my feelings on this internet blog.

Its my unfortunate duty to inform you that Rey Mysterio is in fact a murderer. 

ladies and gentlemen. Last night on Monday Night Raw, the WWE presented a special tribute show, recognizing the career of Rey Mysterio. However, now some 26 hours later, the facts of this horrific tragedy are now apparent. Therefore, other than my comments now, there will be no mention of Rey Mtsterios name from after this post. On the contrary, tonight's blog will be dedicated to everyone who has been affected by this terrible incident. This evening marks the first step of the healing process. Tonight, WWE performers will do what they do better than anyone else in the world: Preform for me
-Vince McMahon 22/3/15

Rey Myserio was born December 11, 1974.
He was never a big man. But he quickly became recognized on Smackdown: here comes the pain!

Rey Mysterio long before the murder of  Perro Aguayo Jr.

When i first signed him, i had no idea he would end up being a murderer. 
I didnt think i would have to make another video like this one.
Its not the first time i have had to deal with my employers murdering people.

Back in the days when Rey could still wrestle without a shirt.
 But things made a turn for the worst with Rey.
After Eddie murdered him self. Rey develepoed a junk food habit. He grew fatter and fatter.

I tried to make him feel better by giving Eddie Guerreros widow some employment.
Eddie Guerreros widow employment.
But it was to no avail. I guess Rey took my message of "i want big men" to seriously.
And it eventually got too the point that we could no longer show Rey Mysterio topless in the P-G era of wrestling.

Just to fat
The scary thing is. We know Rey has killed.

The question is....

 Who will be next? 

Hashtag# Dontkillmyfaimly

-Vince McMahon